We work with health and care experts across the region driving change and promoting best practice.

Over the years Roots and Wings has worked alongside health and care specialists spanning the full course of life, From designing Maternity Ward artwork to helping design pathways for End of Life care, and much in between.

We have a particular passion for supporting mental and physical health initiatives that benefit and involve the most vulnerable in our society. Through this work, we’ve found innovative ways to help health professionals and those affected by health conditions raise awareness, share knowledge and resources, and promote best practice.




Roots and Wings worked with the Great North Children’s Hospital (GNCH) to help raise money to build a dedicated Childhood Cancer Research Unit in Newcastle. We worked extensively with the Future Fund marketing team, professors, academics, clinicians and patients, producing promotional materials, printed literature and merchandise.

As part of the campaign we produced a participatory film. We created the concept of the young people themselves starring as nurses, doctors and researchers, delivering a message of hope to inspire viewers to take action and donate. This process involved spending a week on the Oncology Ward filming with young outpatients, all of whom were at that time in remission.

The Future Fund reached its £5.5 million funding target, and we’re informed by the project team that our had been directly credited with securing £500,000 of this target. The new Childhood Cancer Research Unit was opened by Bill Bryson, and we organised a premiere screening at the hospital’s MediCinema complete with Oscar-style presentations, certificates and red carpet photography opportunities featuring actors from the Theatre Royal panto. Our work subsequently won the Haelo Film Award for Best Commissioned Video, as well as the dubious honour of making Bill Bryson cry.

Futurefund video:

The Making of video:

  • Videography, Creative campaign design, Project management, Creative workshop facilitation, Participatory design, event exhibition stands and merchandise design.


Being at the forefront of care for the elderly, Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group's (NG CCG) Care Home Vanguard team were awarded funding to codify their unique pathways of care. We helped co-design these care pathways, ‘package’ them and nationally disseminate their findings as best practice in the field. We developed a clear style, both graphically and in terms of copy, to stand out against a backdrop of text-heavy, visually uninspiring materials prevalent in the health care system. Central to the campaign material was clear and concise messaging and takeaways, designed predominantly to appeal directly to ‘time-poor’ health professionals at every level.

Our work was recognised by NHS England as ‘best practice’ in the field and the project was awarded Best Social Media Campaign at the Nursing Times Awards. Our campaigns and promotional work led to the vanguard receiving esteemed international visitors, well as over 100 invites to present the work at meetings, talks, and conferences nationally and internationally. As a direct result of our creative output and communications experience within two months we increased the vanguard’s impressions on social media and unique visitors to the website over a hundred fold.

  • Print design, Logos & Branding, Sound design, Creative campaign design, Website, Service design, Project management, Copywriting, Proof reading, Illustration, Videography, Animation, Creative workshop facilitation, Participatory design, Infographics, Complex interactive graphics, Data visualisation, Event exhibition stands and merchandise design.


Our animation, ‘The Doctopus’, was designed to help reduce anxiety for children prior to a planned visit to the Great North Children’s Hospital’s Children and Young People’s Clinic. We chose to create an animated song based on previous experience of how effective and engaging songs can be when relaying information to young children.

For children attending the clinic, The Doctopus is intended to be fun, with the song-writing and sound design all explicitly geared towards communicating that the clinic is a welcoming and safe environment. The animation is also functional in that it tell’s people how to get to the ward, with room layout, toys etc.. all taken from real life. Coupled with vinyl cut-outs and stickers in the ward featuring characters from the animation, this helps connect the online and offline experience creating a sense of familiarity for the young person and their families.

The animation was developed with staff and young people who visit the ward through a series of workshops and focus groups. We also created a connected web App to collect feedback from young people about their appointment in order to help shape the service going forward.

  • Design Services: Animation, Songwriting, Illustration, Print, Vinyls, Service design, Workshops, Co-production, App.

HEALTH gallery: